Alkymi is selected by TSCP to speed up data review processes

Private equity firm Thompson Street Capital Partners (TSCP) has chosen the Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) vendor with Alpha, its generative AI tool, to accelerate their data review and processing.

Alkymi, an Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) vendor, announced January 9 that it has been selected by private equity firm Thompson Street Capital Partners (TSCP) to accelerate their review of industry and market information, which includes analyzing large amounts of unstructured data.

According to Alkymi, Thompson Street Capital Partners chose the IDP vendor and its generative AI tool Alpha, because it was able to speed up the review and processing of data and expand the type of information that could be captured.

In July last year, Alkymi announced the launch of Alpha, its generative AI tool that works within the Alkymi platform and has been developed specifically for financial services use cases and is based on next-generation Large Language Model (LLM) technology. It provides financial service firms with instant insights while giving them confidence in the security of their proprietary data.

Harald Collet, CEO of Alkymi, explained: “We designed Alpha for firms like TSCP to embrace large language models to not only speed up manual review processes, but to expand the level of data they are able to get. Firms that are implementing LLMs will be able to access deeper levels of information, faster and will lead the way in the new era of data-enabled decision making.”

New York-based Alkymi offers an Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) platform and data workflow automation solution that transforms enterprise workflows by putting machine learning and automation technology in the hands of business users.

You can find the full press release here.

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